Tag Archives: #5k

Survived the daughter’s cupcake birthday party… kinda!

I was clearly not the smartest mom in the world when I planned my daughter’s 1st birthday party. I’m on this entire journey to eat clean, fuel my body with the right foods and treat it with the respect it deserves. So naturally, the cupcake theme was perfect.. ha ha…siiiiike (how’s that for a comeback?!).



Oh well. Live and learn! I actually didn’t do too badly… I tried to monitor how much I ate and keep my portions under control. Sure, my eating this weekend wasn’t anything spectacular, but I have learned one very important lesson. Each day is a new start! So no matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day to be healthy! More so, each meal is a new start! 

I’m not dwelling on the weekend that is behind me now. In fact, I have a 5K coming up this Saturday! THAT is where my focus is and should be… I’m pretty nervous. 



It’s been 2 years since I last ran a 5k AND I’ve had a baby in the meantime. Throw on the fact that I really don’t think I’m ready and you can probably see why I’m a bundle of nerves. I realize this all sounds ridiculous to those of you who are training for half marathons, full marathons, etc. I also realize that this is all mental for me. I CAN run a 5k. I HAVE run that far since then and have been exercising to build up my endurance. This really is mental and I’m making up excuses for myself as to why I “can’t” do it. It’s time to disregard that negative self talk.

I’m going to give it my all! That’s the best I can do, right? 

Anyway, here’s to a new day. Eat clean. Exercise your heart. Live right 🙂 xo